Every January, MCOTA publishes a summary of activities for the previous year. In 2020, MCOTA approved and began implementing its 2020–2024 strategic plan and updated its structure to include a new executive director, work teams focused on specific initiatives, and an agency senior leadership team. In addition, MCOTA provided website support for the RTCCs and TCAPs, supported state and federal legislation for volunteer-driver programs, planned and launched a monthly volunteer-driver virtual forum series.
At the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, MCOTA facilitated member agencies and partners to respond quickly and nimbly to urgent and emerging needs. These collaborative opportunities with transportation providers, RTCCs, and TCAPs addressed community needs for COVID-19-safe transportation, transportation for essential workers, and food security. MCOTA also continued to inform stakeholders about its activities and meetings through email updates and its website, CoordinateMNTransit.org.