- Chair: Tim Sexton, Minnesota Department of Transportation
- Vice Chair: Diogo Reis, Minnesota Department of Human Services
- Peter Brickwedde, Minnesota Department of Commerce
- Jeff Burth, Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
- David Fenley, Minnesota Council on Disability
- Kelly Garvey, Minnesota Department of Education
- Brandon Kasprick, Office of the Governor
- Nick Lardinois, Minnesota Management and Budget
- Maureen Melgaard Schneider, Minnesota Board on Aging
- Brandon Nurmi, Minnesota Public Transit Association
- Shirley Schoening Scheuler, Minnesota Department of Health
- Gerri Sutton, Metropolitan Council
- Jodi Yanda, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
For more information, please contact Tom Gottfried of MnDOT’s Office of Transit and Active Transportation, tom.gottfried@state.mn.us, phone: 651-366-4171.