MCOTA’s email newsletter provides updates about its initiatives to interested stakeholders and to the public.
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March 2024
- Getting Personal Care Attendants (PCAs) behind the wheel: It took a village to change legislation
- Volunteer Driver Q&A – Colin Partridge, Community Thread
- Dakota County Transit Coordination Assistance Project (TCAPs) solves transportation issues for recently released individuals
- An update regarding Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
- ‘What’s new in Transportation Access’ Lunch & Learn Highlights
- Highlight of a MCOTA Member Agency: Minnesota Council on Disability
November 2023
- Mobility management in Minnesota gets federal technical assist
- Q&A: What is mobility management?
- MMDC tests fare-free transit rides in Willmar with grant award
- Faith in Action for Cass County volunteer driving program builds community by filling gaps in need
- Volunteer Driver Q&A: Stan Wubben, Central Community Transit
- Federal volunteer driver mileage reimbursement legislation moves forward
- Recordings available from 2022-2023 volunteer drivers virtual forum series
- LifeLine Pilots provide vital non-emergency medical transport
- In the news

July 2023
- Transportation providers look to lessen impact of rising vehicle costs and decreased availability
- NWRTCC collaborations help lay foundation for funding potential volunteer driver program
- Coordination vital in filling local transportation access gaps
- New state laws improve transportation access
- In the news

April 2023
- Updated MCOTA volunteer driver brochure
- New volunteer driver program resources web page
- Roundtable discussion focuses on vehicle shortage challenges and possible solutions
- Dakota County TCAP encourages riders through ‘travel training’
- Driver’s licenses for all becomes law
- Mobile app to make travel easier in Greater Minnesota, Rochester, Mankato
- In the news

March 2023
- 2022 MCOTA Annual Report Published
- Feb. 16 MCOTA volunteer driver program virtual forum recording available
- Arrowhead RTCC facilitates vehicle-sharing among community agencies to expand capacity and resources
- Dakota County and Washington County TCAPs update: Lyft ride-sharing program frees riders
- Metro Transit micro expands access through a new on-demand service option
- In the news

October 2022
- MCOTA volunteer drivers virtual forum set for October 6
- Region 5 RTCC grant targets more livable community through better access for all
- Mid-Minnesota RTCC expands volunteer driver recruitment strategies
- Prairie Five receives grant to serve area veterans with a wheelchair-accessible van
- U of M research: Could remote drivers be the future of ride-hailing?
- In the news
December 2021
- New state legislation reduces barriers to volunteer driving
- GIS mapping provides clearer picture of gaps in transportation access
- Scott County: Introducing ‘Hop Scott’ from SmartLink
- East Central RTCC: Improving access through information
- Connected and automated vehicle testing begins
- Minnesota’s Road to Volunteer Drivers Virtual Forum Series recordings

December 2020
- Region 5 RTCC update
- SmartLink: Mobility management for Scott and Carver counties
- Public transportation can play key role in addressing social isolation in older adults
- Constituent stories critical to passage of 2021 bills supporting volunteer drivers
- Newtrax partners with restaurants for innovative food delivery service